Marion County Citizans Band Mike is registered! Everyone really enjoyed the festival. He played a fantastic tuba. Youth were well represented in the bands. There’s Bill holding two mutes, one a silent mute. Door prize drawings… Here is a nice shot of the Keizer Community Band Trumpets: Bill, Bob, Gloria, Alicia and Bill. Bill with his horn up and his eyes open. Must be playing by ear, or from memory. See, some people do watch the director. Ah, a moments glance at the photographer up in the back row of the auditorium. Ah, a moments glance at the photographer up in the back row of the auditorium. One of the door prizes was a specialty trumpet mouthpiece. Alicia let out a scream when her ticken number was called. Many love the sound of these. One incredible director and leader. Shot from Bill Howard’s position in the Mass Band Shot from Bill Howard’s position in the Mass Band Shot from Bill Howard’s position in the Mass Band Shot from Bill Howard’s position in the Mass Band Shot from Bill Howard’s position in the Mass Band Shot from Bill Howard’s position in the Mass Band Shot from Bill Howard’s position in the Mass Band